Jaime Gonzales
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Jaime Gonzales
1600 masl
Farm/ Producer
Finca Corinto, Jaime Gonzales
Red Honey
The slow, careful drying and warmer temperatures needed to produce this particular style of coffee is a challenging proposition in Colombia at such altitudes.
Cool crisp nights and hot, wet days pose a high risk to drying parchment. The fluctuation in temperature and the battle against the elements can often result in extended drying times and unwanted fermentation that requires the producers to have an enormous amount of skill, knowledge and dedication to their craft; not to mention a knack for innovative techniques to keep the drying coffee stable.
At 60 years old, Jaime has become well versed in the methods needed to produce clean, consistent honey and natural process coffees. In the case of this red honey lot, drying of the parchment takes place immediately once the cherry has been depulped. The parchment, sticky with mucilage is laid to dry on raised beds for upto 14 days. Regular turning of the coffee ensures that a consistent drying takes place throughout.
This coffee brews really well when prepared in the Gabi brewer. A starting dose of 18.5g, ground to the consistency of dry cous cous and brewed with 300 gms of freshly boiled, soft water applied in 2 pours to achieve a total brew time of 4 mins.