Want to recreate the Caravan experience at home? Check out our recipe book, Caravan: Dining All Day.
Component 1
60% Werka Wuri
Ethiopia -
Component 2
40% Mario Hervas
Ecuador -
Process 1
Process 2
15 hour fermentation - Demucilager
A good rule of thumb in our roastery is to try and drink whatever the
roasters are brewing on any given day. It’s a given that they will know what roasts and blends are tasting at their best and being the roasters that they are you can almost guarantee that they will be brewing themselves up a batch (or two) for their days roasting.
This past 2 weeks have seen the team consistently brew our latest version of our beloved Special Brü a sure sign that something is right. This Brü is a simple 40:60 pairing of two washed lots, one from Ecuador (Mario Hervas) and one from Ethiopia (Werka Wuri). Both intensely sweet and floral as well as being delicious stand alone lots. When blended together both coffees become more than the sum of their parts, defined by a clean cane sugar sweetness with crisp, defined flavours of peach and bergamot which are balanced by a fragrant jasmine note.
This blend brews beautifully as a Chemex which pleases us
incredibly; sharing coffee is one of the small joys in life, more so
when it’s as delicious as this blend!
A simple ratio of 60gms of coffee, ground on the slightly coarser side, brewed with 500 mls of freshly drawn hot water should yield deliciously consistent results. When brewing with a chemex its always advisable to pre rinse the filter papers once placed in the carafes cone. This has the dual benefit of pre warming the vessel whilst ridding the thick paper filter of any unwanted taints, resulting in a crisper, more structured cup.
Happy brewing!!