No Boundaries
Want to recreate the Caravan experience at home? Check out our recipe book, Caravan: Dining All Day.

No Boundaries
Honduras; Nicaragua
Marcala; Jinotega
Beneficio Xincala; Finca Esquipulas
Natural; Washed
As the seasons change, we welcome fresh coffees into our blends to ensure that what’s in your cup is as vibrant and flavourful as the day it left port. This seasonal emphasis is balanced by our strict sourcing and roasting standards which ensure that each blend remains true to form and flavour profile, even as components come and go.
Our base component for this latest version of No Boundaries is a Nicaraguan coffee grown by Arlin Andino on her farm, Finca Esquipulas, located in the Jinotega region in the north of the country. Arlin is a young producer who comes from a coffee growing family, but wasn’t producing coffee of her own until 2017. Her focus on quality is rooted in a belief that coffee cannot be improvised – it must be based on deep knowledge of the farm and every step of production. Arlin and her partner Ernesto are also concerned about protecting local water sources with climate-smart agricultural practices, and are building a school on their farm where the children of farm workers can go to study during the harvest period.

The second half of the blend comes from husband and wife duo Moises and Marysabel Caballero, the owners of Beneficio Xincala in the Marcala region of Honduras. The Caballeros are pioneers of sustainable farming, and take great care to ensure biodiversity and soil health are maintained on all their land. They do this by intercropping with fruit and native trees, which offer shade to the coffee, improved drought resistance, and food to eat. They also make their own organic fertilizer using cow and chicken manure mixed with coffee pulp, ensuring these valuable nutrients are returned to the soil. This coffee was produced in the natural style, difficult in Marcala due to the humid weather – a testament to their skill and dedication.
Caravan Coffee Roasters are proud members of 1% for the Planet. For more information please visit
We select and roast each component of our signature filter blend for sweetness and balance, to shine in your cup with or without milk. Our latest blend has a big pop of acidity while remaining easy to brew and drink. Try starting with our go-to recipe of 60g per litre of fresh, filtered water and adjust to taste. For more brew tips and tricks, visit our Brew Guides.