Peru El Romerillo

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Peru El Romerillo

  • Region

    San Ignacio

  • Producers

    Miguel Ramirez

  • Farm

    Finca El Romerillo

  • Elevation

    1700 meters

  • Varietals

    Catimor, Catuai, Gesha, Mundo Novo

  • Process


San Ignacio, the home of Miguel Ramirez and his farm, Finca El Romerillo, is a hotbed of activity in Peru’s burgeoning coffee industry. Located far up in the country’s northern Andes mountains, the region’s high altitudes, healthy soils, and cooler temperatures all support production of the highest caliber of quality. Miguel is an active member of Prosperidad de Chirinos, a 54-year-old farmers cooperative whose focus is supporting farmers to produce specialty coffee with traceable provenance, using organic methods.

In recent years, Chirinos has employed many forward-thinking practices in order to improve both the cup quality and the soil health of their farmer members. For example, current members only use organic fertilizers made from an elaborate compost system which mixes and dries several types of materials to exact levels of nutritional inputs. Set up with the help of a technical team from Colombia, the fertilizer is critical to keeping sensitive trees heathly and preventing disease – a fundamental challenge when producing organic coffee.



This coffee was processed and dried on-farm using the washed method, whereby coffee cherries are depulped and fermented in order to remove their fruit before being ‘washed’ clean and laid to dry. With a medium-heavy body and lots of brown sugar sweetness, this coffee is a crowd-pleaser which shines great on any brewing method.


Caravan Coffee Roasters are proud members of 1% for the Planet. For more information please visit


Full bodied with a medium acidity and heavy sweetness, this coffee from El Romerillo is easy-going and simple to brew. Our standard starting filter brew ratio of 60g per 1 litre of fresh, filtered water is a good place to start – adjusting to size and taste as you prefer. For more home brewing tips and tricks, visit our Brew Guides.